Program Requirements

Master of Science (M.S.)

Students must meet minimum Graduate School requirements. The FMS Program has a flexible curriculum, and students are required to develop a plan of courses with their advisor. A minimum of 30 credits is required to complete the M.S. degree. Students must earn a B or above in all courses counting toward degree requirements.

Students must write and defend a master’s thesis. Students’ thesis committees are composed of three faculty members including the major professor. The committee guides the student in developing study plans, research, and career goals.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

All Ph.D. candidates are expected to obtain a broad background in aquatic sciences and depth in their research area. Students must meet minimum Graduate School requirements. The major, by nature of the program, includes advanced courses in several sub-disciplines in freshwater and marine sciences.

The FMS Program has a flexible curriculum, and students are required to develop a plan of courses with their advisor. A minimum of 51 credits (32 of which must be from UW-Madison) is required to complete the Ph.D. degree. Students must earn a B or above in all courses counting toward degree requirements.

Students are required to pass a preliminary examination prior to writing the dissertation. Students must complete a minor which may be used to obtain tools of research, focus in greater depth on a single discipline within freshwater and marine sciences, or open additional areas related to the field, such as the social sciences. The Ph.D. committee is composed of five faculty members including the major professor. The committee guides the student in developing study plans, research, and career goals.